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  • Writer's pictureLisa

A few updates...because it's been a while

Been a hot minute since i've been able to post anything out here, between Physical Therapy, the end of volleyball and the school year and another hip surgery rendering me unable to sit or stand for long periods of time. Oh how I did miss the canvas and brush!

30x40 Tiger painting, which now resides above my fireplace

I definitely missed painting, I's how I relax, almost like a meditation...especially after a long day at a desk. I was able to squeeze a few smaller ones in and work on the big guy before going under arthroscopy. Thankfully I was only in that god awful brace and on the crutches for 2 weeks despite needing a gluteus medius repair along with the labral repair and a few other fixes. Doc said he used a new technique called a suture staple that heals faster...I don't think I could have gone 6 weeks on crutches so I am sooo thankful for that, afterall it was a small partial thickness tear anyhow.

Anyway....on to the art, I switched up the roses on the tiger and tried adding a bit of fur details which I think ended up making the face more dimensional.

finished most of the background, just face detail left mostly

I have to say, those are probably the nest roses i've ever painted, especially considering I just started painting based on light and dark since I was going over existing imagery. I really do love the way this one is turning out and I can't wait to get back to him once I am able to squat again....not that I haven't tried...and gotten busted....

Henri Matisse

“ Creativity takes courage.”

While I was off work for 2 weeks, I was able to squeeze in another small 14x14 piece. This one was for practice to get back in my 'groove', I like to do a practice 'whatever happens happens' piece or two before getting back into a work in progress if i've been away too long, ya know, just to get creativity brewing back up. And so, I threw the brush down on this canvas and started going.

Before I kne wit a fix was born...but he needed....something..... Though I'm still working on this one, here is where we landed for now.

and here's were we left it...

I did end up starting (and this time finishing) another 'just for practice' piece of my favorite lion from Black Jaguar White Tiger - Lovey Dovey!!

First pass wasn't bad...I liked where it was going, but time got away from me and my Alla Prima turned into a work in progress

I ended up really loving where this was going though, so I continued on with the forest faded in on one side and thought...I kinda really love the plain black on the other side. Since that was primed with black gesso...I added in a bit more detail on the forest and sky and painted in the black to fade nicely with Lovey's mane.

my new favorite piece

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Every artist was first an amateur”

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