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Another Tiger and an Art Fair

Might be obvious by now, but I love tigers. I love painting tigers, they are such majestic beautiful creatures. I've actually painted 2...

Who Doesn't Love Giraffe's

You may have noticed I jump around a lot.... I tend to paint based on my feelings and what inspires me, so I always have more than one...

A Lioness and Her Cub

I started another new piece, a cute picture of a mamma lion and her cub. Stepping a bit out of my comfort zone with a slightly more...

Out of the Darknes

While waiting for other pieces to dry up a bit, I decided to work on a quick oil study. I have a particular love for big cats and they...

Trying Something New

In 2018, I decided to try something new...It is, after all, a new year. I decided to step outside the norm, take chances and go with my...

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